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Rights & Responsibilities

Patient rights, responsibilities, and your path to quality care at Bristol Health.

Our Commitment to You

Bristol Health is dedicated to providing integrated, innovative, and individualized care. As part of that commitment, it’s important to ensure our patients, or their legal decision-makers, have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Familiarizing yourself with these rights is essential to promoting mutual respect, safety, and clear communication. We encourage you, as a patient, to review these rights and responsibilities to support a positive healthcare experience.

Patients Rights

At Bristol Health, you have the right to:

  • Receive information about your rights prior to being a patient or before discontinuing care (whenever possible).

  • Considerate and respectful care, in a safe environment.

  • To receive visitors that you have designated unless their presence infringes on others’ rights, safety or is therapeutically contraindicated and the right to withdraw the consent for a person to visit.

  • Personal privacy and the confidentiality of your medical record.

  • Be treated with dignity.

  • Obtain from your physician and other caregivers relevant, current and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

  • Be informed about and participate in your care and treatment plans.

  • Have your physician and a family member or other person of your choice notified of your admission.

  • Create an advance directive.

  • Know the names of healthcare providers and their role in your care.

  • Be free from seclusion and restraints of any form that are not medically necessary for your safety or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation.

  • Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

  • Participate in ethical decisions around your care.

  • Request medically appropriate and necessary treatment.

  • Refuse treatment as allowed by law.

  • Know what safety measures may be used during your care.

  • Ask for a second opinion about your care.

  • Proper assessment and management of your pain or discomfort.

  • Request an interpreter and/or auxiliary aid services free of charge.

  • Review and obtain copies of your medical records.

  • Receive treatment in an environment that is sensitive to your beliefs, values and culture.

  • Be informed about the care you will need after discharge and available resources.

  • Receive information about and an explanation of your bill.

  • Be informed of any relationship that we may have with organizations that may affect your care.

  • Request that an autopsy be performed either here or arrange for any other institution of choice to perform.

  • Consent or decline to participate in research studies.

Express a complaint or grievance by contacting the Patient Experience & Customer Relations Department at 860.585.3269. Contact the following agencies if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your grievance.

Connecticut Department of Public Health

410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06134-0308

Phone: 860.509.7400 or 1.800.842.0038

TTY: 860.509.7191

The Joint Commission

One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Phone: 630.792.5000

Click the links to download the Bristol Health Rights and Responsibilities (English), or Rights and Responsibilities (Spanish) 

Bristol Health physician speaking to a visitor

Patient Responsibilities

At Bristol Health, these are your responsibilities as a patient:

  • Provide complete and accurate information about your health including your present condition, past illnesses, hospitalizations and any medications, natural products or vitamins you may be taking.

  • Tell us what you need. If you do not understand your care plan, ask questions.

  • Provide complete and accurate information including your family contact, address and home phone number, date of birth, Social Security number, insurance carrier and employers when it is necessary.

  • Provide insurance information and work with us to arrange payments when needed to fulfill your financial obligations to Bristol Health.

  • Provide a copy of your advance directive to Bristol Health and physician if you have one.

  • Follow our guidance in helping you get well. Abide by all Bristol Health rules and regulations.

  • Comply with the NO SMOKING/NO VAPING policy.

  • Comply with the visitor policies to ensure the rights of all patients.

  • Be considerate of noise level, privacy and safety of all patients.

  • Patient shall show respect and consideration for all patients, visitors and hospital personnel.

  • If you are not satisfied with your care, please tell us how we can improve.

For questions or more information about your Rights & Responsibilities, contact the Patient Experience & Customer Relations Department at 860.585.3269.

Patient Complaint/Grievance Process

Bristol Health is committed to providing all patients, and/or their representative the opportunity to express dissatisfaction.

  1. A patient complaint is a verbal expression of dissatisfaction made by a patient or their representative about care and/or other services provided by staff and/or healthcare providers. Complaints are made while the patient is still at a Bristol Health location where staff are present and available to assist in resolving the issue.
  2. A grievance is a more serious complaint, reported verbally or in writing, that generally requires an investigation into allegation related to the quality of patient care received. At Bristol Health, these type of concerns are reported to the Patient and Customer Relations Department.
  3. A written or verbal acknowledgement of all grievances will be made to the person filing it within seven business days. If the grievance is still under investigation after seven business days, an estimated time for final response will also be communicated to the complainant.
  4. Time frames for reviewing will vary depending on the nature of the grievance. Periodic communication will continue if the resolution takes longer than 30 days.
  5. The patient/patient representative will receive a written notice of Bristol Health’s investigation within one week of the completion of the review.

To file a complaint or grievance please contact the Patient Experience & Customer Relations Department at 860.585.3269. If the patient/patient representative is not satisfied with the Bristol Hospital response they may contact:

Connecticut Department of Public Health

410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06134-0308

Phone: 860.509.7400 or 1.800.842.0038 or

TTY: 1.860.509.7191

The Joint Commission

One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, Il 60181

Phone: 630.792.5000

The Bristol Health Code of ConductNotice of Privacy Practices (English) and Notice of Privacy Practices (Spanish) are being provided for reference as needed by patients. Questions may be directed to Ray Minor, Corporate Compliance & Privacy Officer at 860.585.3223 or

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